Coffey Health Foundation is a 501(c)3 charitable organization that supports the important work of Coffey Health System and invests in the future of our community. Corporate and private donations help the Foundation to fulfill its goals of providing educational scholarships, facilities development, grounds beautification, technology advancements, and enrichment programs and activities.
Now more than ever, the future of healthcare lies in the hands of our young people. The Roy G. DeLong Scholarship was established in 2000 to encourage area high school graduates to pursue a college education. While the hope is that the recipients will someday pursue a career related to healthcare, other fields of study are not precluded. Recipients are studying such diverse fields as business, education, pre-med, pre-law, and physical therapy. Over 26 years, the Foundation has awarded more than $503,000 to 154 deserving high school graduates throughout Coffey and Woodson Counties. Education does not end with a diploma, so we also offer scholarships to adults pursuing advanced degrees or clinical certifications. We also support educational programs right here in our communities, including CPR and “Stop the Bleed” training for our local seventh graders.
Scholarship Application for High School Seniors Scholarship Application for Adult Continuing Education
For information about the scholarship program, contact Foundation Director Rhonda Beets at (620) 364-2121 Ext. 4222 or
The important work of the Coffey Health Foundation is made possible through generous donations from people just like yourself. Tax-deductible donations—both large and small—allow us to present scholarships to Coffey and Woodson County high school graduates and assist with the advancement of technology and state-of-the-art equipment at Coffey Health System. What better way to invest in your community? A variety of giving options is available. Please consider the manner that best fits your situation.
Your tax-exempt donations help us enrich our community. In the past year, Coffey Health Foundation funded new and much-needed services for our patients. The Foundation invested $2780 to send a dedicated nurse for certification in wound care and ostomy care. Now, instead of traveling to a hospital in Topeka or Kansas City, our patients can receive this crucial care right here at home.
We also gave $139,000 toward the purchase of a new ambulance that better meets the needs of the post-pandemic world by carrying more oxygen. When all regional hospitals were full, we made transfers as far away as St. Louis but, unfortunately, ambulances aren’t typically equipped to transfer patients more than 100 miles, meaning that a separate vehicle had to follow with additional oxygen.
As a valued CHS partner, we invite you to partner with Coffey Health Foundation. Your corporate investment will help us fulfill our mission of “Improving today’s services. Investing in tomorrow’s leaders.” Corporate and private donations are recognized in our annual report and on a permanent display at Coffey County Hospital.
If you have questions, please contact Rhonda Beets at (620) 364-2121 Ext. 4222 or discuss your wishes with your professional financial advisor.