While we may not all do the same thing every day, we do have one mission. Now that mission is crystalized into one succinct statement: Working together to relieve suffering, restore health, and promote the highest quality of life for our community.
This mission statement is the culmination of a lengthy process of research and employee input. Additionally, staff in all departments helped to select five core values to which we hold ourselves individually. Our relationships with our patients and with each other all come down to these five values: respect, teamwork, professionalism, knowledge, and compassion.
To determine these values, the management team brainstormed a list of twenty characteristics that are important for all employees regardless of department or job function. The top five values were determined by surveying the physicians and a percentage of staff in each department.
This is an important first step in the process of redefining who we are and what we do. Each word was carefully selected to apply equally to every employee and every service we offer.
Exceptional care for all generations.
Working together to relieve suffering, restore health, and promote the highest quality of life for our community.
We hold ourselves and each other to the highest possible standards. These are the values CHS employees selected as core values for the organization:
Respect - Our patients, residents, families, and colleagues deserve nothing less than to be treated with dignity.
Teamwork - Success is achieved by one team working together at all times.
Knowledge - Education doesn’t end. It continues every day and is actively pursued at all levels.
Compassion - We strive to recognize the needs of every life we touch—whether those needs are spoken or, just as importantly, unspoken.
Professionalism - We hold ourselves to high standards of professionalism, ethics, and personal responsibility, worthy of the trust our community places in us.